99 Plus Tutoring Privacy Policy

99 Plus Tutoring is committed to protecting the privacy of students, prospective students, parents, teachers, and other individuals with whom we interact. This Privacy Policy outlines how we collect, use, disclose, and store personal information in accordance with applicable privacy laws.

1. Collection and storage of information

We collect personal information directly from individuals unless it is impracticable or unreasonable to do so. The types of personal information we may collect include:

  • Name, date of birth, email, phone, and mail contact details.
  • Photographs of the individual (if applicable).
  • Details of educational background, qualifications, achievements, and interests.
  • Results of competency assessments.
  • Details of schools and educational institutions attended, course interest areas, and preferences.
  • Credit card information is stored through stripe.
  • Video footage of an individual's contributions to class discussions and interactive features of our services, taken with prior notice and through their own device's cameras (if applicable).
  • Information about professional memberships, associations, and affiliations.

We collect personal information for various purposes, including enrollment/registration, communication, event participation, job applications, marketing, and service provision. We may also collect personal information from third parties with your consent or as permitted by law.

2. Use of personal information

We use personal information for the primary purpose for which it was collected and related secondary purposes. These purposes may include:

  • Enrolment/registration processes and communication with students, parents, and guardians.
  • Sharing video footage of student contributions and promoting our services (and/or those of our sponsors).
  • Processing job applications and conducting background checks.
  • Responding to inquiries and providing information about our products and services.
  • Facilitating educational interaction between enrolled students.
  • Performing financial transactions, notifying changes, and addressing feedback or complaints.
  • Protecting our legal interests and fulfilling regulatory obligations.

We may also use personal information for marketing purposes and provide opt-out mechanisms for further communications.

3. Disclosure of personal information

We may disclose personal information to third parties, including:

  • Organizations that provide technical functions for us, such as web developers and software providers.
  • Organizations that conduct credit, fraud, and security checks.
  • Couriers and delivery businesses for order fulfillment.
  • Third-party software providers who store customer account details or provide IT services.
  • Other companies and organizations to comply with legal obligations, protect rights and safety, or in the context of business transactions.

We ensure that third parties handling personal information meet privacy standards required by law and use the information only for the purposes we provide it to them.

4. Transfer of Personal Information Outside Australia

In some cases, personal information may be transferred outside Australia if our technical processes and systems involve overseas providers. We take reasonable steps to ensure such transfers comply with privacy laws.

5. Security of Personal Information

We maintain reasonable safeguards to protect personal information from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, or loss. This includes secure databases, restricted access, password protection, and regular technology reviews.

6. Access and Correction of Personal Information

Individuals have the right to access and correct their personal information, subject to exceptions under the law. Requests for access or correction should be directed to our Privacy and Support Officer, whose contact details are provided below.

7. Changes too the Privacy Policy

We may modify, alter, or update this Privacy Policy at any time. Revisions will be posted on our website, and individuals are encouraged to review the policy periodically.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about our Privacy Policy or the handling of your personal information, please contact our Privacy and Support Officer:

Lachlan Newberry
0402 940 931